Bringing 20 years of professional experience in music performance into the field of photography.
My aesthetic senses have been trained as a principal orchestral musician, chamber musician and university lecturer.
I focus on capturing the power of the performing arts through the eye of a performer, or the “musician’s lens” if you will. I have worked with various artists, arts organisations and businesses on creating content to strengthen the communication towards their current and potential audience. Showcasing their vision and community value/standing by documenting the creative process, the people behind the brand and ultimately the results.
You can find examples of my visual artistic work here, and keep up to date by following me on social media (@musicianslens/@owuttudal).
Rates will be disclosed when contacted personally, via email or phone.
I look forward to hearing and learning about your business, projects and content creating needs.
All the best,
Instagram account: @owuttudal